Candida – A Yeast with a Big Hunger!

What is it?

Digestive Issues, IBS

Simply put, Candida is a form of yeast, a simple fungus that is naturally present in your digestive tract. It helps you to digest what you eat and assists in drawing nutrients from food. However, we only need very small amounts of these yeasts to perform this work, and usually the good bacteria that we also have in our digestive system, keep these yeast levels under control. However, there are several common circumstances that can easily allow for Candida yeasts to get out of control, overwhelming and over populating the balance of the healthy bacteria, and causing an extensive list of symptoms.

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Palm Oil Links to Cancer Metastasis

Research proves the links between Palm Oil and Cancer metastasis , Nov 2021

Palm Oil Plantation
Palm Oil Plantation

Recent research has confirmed the harmful effects that Palm Oil has on the health of the human population, let alone the health of the planet. Palm Oil has had much media coverage over the years, mainly due to problems with deforestation to enable the farming of more Palm trees. The use of Palm Oil in the food industry has grown exponentially worldwide, as the growth of the packaged food industry and the beauty industries continue to expand. Poorer countries have been trying to cash-in on the demand for this oil, causing mass destruction of forests and other farmland, to produce the highly sort after palm oil.

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Magnesium; A life saving Mineral

Organic whole rolled oats are naturally high in Magnesium

Magnesium is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, alongside Calcium, Potassium, and Sodium. Together, these minerals make up the electrolyte balance in the body, managing important roles such as hydration, blood pressure, bone health, hormonal health and the ability to cope with stress.

Magnesium rich foods include grains, bananas, dark chocolate, avocadoes, leafy greens, nuts, seeds and beans, so technically, a healthy whole food diet should provide plenty of magnesium for good health. However, this is generally not the case.

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Addressing Sleep and WHY you NEED to

A good night’s sleep is incredibly important for your health and is in fact, just as important as eating healthy and exercising. Unfortunately, our modern fast-paced world is interfering with natural sleep patterns, and people are now sleeping less than they ever did, causing ill health in many individuals. Poor sleep includes shortened sleep time or a sleep pattern that is interrupted. Shift workers will also experience many symptoms of ill health including repeated colds/flu, fatigue and brain fog. Some examples of how poor sleep can affect your well-being include;

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Is our Food Industry making us sick?

This may be an alarming and somewhat controversial statement; however, there is just too much ill health in the western world to not warrant digging deeper and educating ourselves into how our food is produced. The nutrient deficiencies I see in people are constant, no matter how much sun exposure, healthy food or diet choices they make, and one has to wonder, why is B12, Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin D deficiencies so common?

Health concerns such as mental health, skin health, digestive health and joint pain, can usually be overcome with a whole food diet, packed full of a variety of fresh vegetables, grains, fruits and well-grown animal products such as eggs, red meat, poultry and fish. However, I continue to see clients who eat these foods, stay away from processed and take away foods, and yet still have a reduced quality of life due to inflammation, higher than desirable heavy metal toxicity and multiple nutrient deficiencies.

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Vitamin B12; More important than you may think

In my practice, I review standard blood pathology with a fine tooth-comb, looking for deficiencies, trends and values that indicate imbalances. More often than not, vitamin B12 (and B9/Folate) is not tested, unless specifically asked for. Remembering that a typical GP is not nutrition trained, they often don’t recognise the significance of this nutrient.

Vitamin B12 is vital in many functions of the body, including the health of red blood cells and DNA replication, together with vitamin B6. Another important function of B12 is in one of the detoxification pathways in the liver, together with B9 (folate) and B6. If the liver cannot detox effectively, toxins and metabolic waste products can build up, causing many symptoms.

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Brain Cancer – A hypothesis in its origin and treatment – updated Jan 2023

When looking at a disease state in a holistic fashion, rather than look for a “cure”, one must look for underlying causes of that disease state, if one is to fully correct and resolve the issue. Whether it is cancer, diabetes, heart disease or fatigue, there is almost always, an underlying set of circumstances, that cumulatively have created imbalance and ill-health.

In the case of brain cancer, there are many common threads that can been identified, when looking at cases in a holistic manner. When reviewing the whole body, and the probable impairments in biochemical processes, a picture begins to emerge on how the cancer diagnosis may have come about. Identifying these causes and imbalances, aids in identifying where change needs to occur, hypothetically providing an environment for the body to heal and function optimally. The following imbalances are commonly identified in Brain Cancer patients leading up to their diagnosis.

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The Detective Work of a Holistic & Clinical Nutritionist

Urine testing over time

Did you know, that a lot of the work I do is detective work? I have many tools in my toolbox, which assist me in determining the root cause of a clients’ ill-health. It may be blood pathology, urine testing, heavy metal and nutrient testing, detailed case taking or a combination of these. Often the problems have compounded over time, and by the time the client sees me, they are often at the end of their rope.

Recently, once of my clients’ who has been seeing me since I first opened at Daw Park (less than 3 months), has shown amazing results in moving her health to new heights. She received a treatment plan that took her personal circumstances into account and a two-week meal-plan, to get her “back on track” in the kitchen.

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Natural Antimicrobials

While hand sanitisers, soap and antibiotic medicines work well to combat infectious and pathogenic microbes, there are many other ways we can keep ourselves safe from microbial invasions, especially when incorporated with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Pathogens include bacteria, viruses, moulds, and parasites. COVID-19 is a virus and operates quite differently to bacteria. Viruses need a host such as a human cell to survive and reproduce, whereas bacteria live independently. Viruses can live on a surface for a short period of time, but are reliant on being transferred into a human body, generally by getting in to the mouth, nose or eyes. Antibiotics work by identifying bacteria and killing them, whereas viruses enter a human cell and effectively become that cell, using the reproductive system of the cell to reproduce itself. This means antibiotics are ineffective at destroying them.

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Why Routine Blood Testing is a Good Idea

If you feel that you are not feeling as good as you should, it may be worth seeing your General Practitioner for some routine blood testing.

Blood pathology testing

Having annual blood tests can provide not only a snap shot of how your body is currently travelling, but over time, will show trends towards various health states. For example, cholesterol, liver health, hormonal balance or kidney function.

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