Relationship between disease and Leaky Gut

What is the definition of Leaky Gut?

Intestinal permeability refers to how easily substances pass through the intestinal wall, and when there is a high amount of inflammation, the otherwise tight junctions of the intestinal walls become loose, making it more permeable. This allows food particles, bacteria, or toxins to leak out into the blood stream, and this is when the term “Leaky Gut” is used. When the lining of the small intestine becomes irritated and damaged, small particles of food and waste leak through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream, causing havoc all around the body. These foreign particles are identified, and this launches an immune response such as an inflammatory or allergic reaction. When this is continually happening day after day, the problem can become more serious, resulting in an autoimmune condition, where the body is constantly attacking itself.

When the gut lining is damaged and inflamed, nutrient absorption abilities dramatically reduce, leading to poor levels of iron, protein, and essential nutrients. As nutrients are needed for every single biochemical process in the body, this state of malnutrition can lead to other problems such as hormonal imbalances, a weakened immune system and chronic fatigue.

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Could Intestinal Parasites by an underlying factor in many health challenges?

The sound of this may seem alarming, and not something experienced in the western world, however, the frequency of intestinal parasite infections are far more common than you might think, and it is something that the medical establishment are often not thinking about. 

Parasites come in many shapes and sizes and can be ingested in many different ways. Often thought of as a problem of the third-world, parasites can easily be transmitted through consuming contaminated or undercooked foods, especially meat, unclean water, unclean or contaminated fruits and vegetables, swimming in infected lakes, ponds or creeks, handling animals or travelling overseas.  

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Osteoporosis – How to minimise the risks

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a bone disorder where bones become thinner, lose their strength, and have a higher risk of breaking or fracturing. Bones in this state can fracture even during everyday movements such as coughing, bending or falling over, with the most common osteoporotic fractures occurring in the wrist, hip and spine.

Risk Factors

There are higher risks of osteoporosis development in women over the age of 50 (post menopause), or in populations with poor diets that are low in calcium, or where there is poor calcium absorption due to intestinal problems (eg. coeliac disease), in those with an overactive thyroid, a sedentary lifestyle with little to no weight baring exercise, use of medications such as prednisone, smokers, over-use of alcohol, or a family history of osteoporosis.

How is it diagnosed?

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What is SIBO and do I have it?

SIBO stands for “small intestinal bacterial overgrowth”, and occurs when there is an abnormal increase in the overall bacterial population in the small intestine — particularly the types of bacteria that are not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract.

Causes of a bacterial overgrowth are many and varied, and can include;

  • Abnormally high amounts of stress / trauma
  • High consumption of refined carbohydrates / sugary foods
  • Consumption of animal proteins that have been given antibiotics eg. chicken, pork, grain fed beef
  • Consumption of products made with non-organic white flour eg. breads, pasta, cakes
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Let Food by Thy Medicine

When we eat foods containing all the ingredients we need, the self-repair mechanism in our cells function normally to prevent disease, and the immune system can effectively protect us against dangerous infections from pathogens and immune system disorders. Whole plant foods contain adequate amounts of phytochemicals and antioxidants to adequately fuel these systems.

Some whole foods however, have more disease-protective nutrients than others, and when health goals include preventing cancer or other serious disease, incorporating these foods into the diet, can greatly reduce the risk of serious life-altering illness.

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Clearing Excessive Oestrogen Naturally

What is Oestrogen and what does it do?

Our body makes all kinds of hormones which manage many different processes. Oestrogen is a hormone often associated with woman and called the “female” hormone, with testosterone being the “male” hormone. However, both men and women produce both of these hormones, but are generally higher in one or the other, based on their sex.

In women, oestrogen has many roles including those that are protective to the body, including bone health, heart health, regulating of the menstrual cycle and even the synthesis of vitamin D. Together with Progesterone, Oestrogen plays a significant role in reproduction and sex drive, and keeping our skin, joints and muscles soft, stretchy and supple.  

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What’s really behind the rise in Hormonal Imbalances and Cancers?

The modern industrialised world is seeing significant rises in sickness relating to hormonal imbalances. This includes breast and prostate cancers, severe menopause symptoms, early puberty, especially in young girls, a myriad of behaviour problems, poor mental health and high instances of poor sleep. So what is behind all this? It can’t all be genetic can it?

Breast cancer is now the number one cancer diagnosed in the world, closely followed by Prostate cancer. The statistics are alarming, with one in seven women likely to receive a diagnosis of breast cancer in Australia, based on data collected in 2021.

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Protection for the Winter Months

Winter can be a vulnerable time of year for some. The elderly, the very young, and those with compromised immune systems in particular, are often fearful of Flu Season. While vaccinations may be able to provide some protection, the human body has its own superior protection system that, when functioning optimally, can provide lifelong protection against infection from foreign invaders.

Colds and Flus are viral infections, which are typically spread and ingested, via droplets in the air. Viruses, unlike bacteria, cannot survive without a host cell, meaning they need to enter a living being, and infect a cell to survive and populate.

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Weight Loss! – More than just calories in / calories out

As a Nutritionist, I see countless people, of all ages, who want to lose weight and feel better. They are often in pain, especially in the knees, hips and back, have low energy, poor sleep, high stress levels, and have a low self-esteem. “I just want to lose 10kg” they often say, and sometimes they even have a time limit.

In today’s modern world, most people turn to social media or Google, to help them find the answers to their health goals. Then there are TV celebrities such as Dr Michael Mosley, or Michelle Bridges, who have great amounts of followers. People try fasting, low carb, Paleo and Keto, all with some success, but often, the weight comes back on, often with a vengeance, if they stop these kinds of dietary protocols. Then there are other systems such as Weight Watchers, Lite N’Easy, Jenny Craig and various Meal Replacement programs with Shakes and specially prepared foods.

With so many options and so much research and knowledge at our fingertips, why are we, as a Nation, getting heavy and heavier, and sicker and sicker?

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Omega 3 – Are you getting enough?

What are they?

Omega-3 fatty acids are an important component in the formation of all cell membranes, and they are also used to produce signalling molecules and regulating hormone production. They also form an importance in the fatty tissue of brain cells.

Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and when you break them down, consist of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), as well as their essential precursor alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Why do I need them?

There can be many symptoms relating to a low status in omega-3s, and these can include high levels of inflammation, joint pain and stiffness, dry and irritated skin, poor mental health, and poor hair texture.

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