Did you know, that a lot of the work I do is detective work? I have many tools in my toolbox, which assist me in determining the root cause of a clients’ ill-health. It may be blood pathology, urine testing, heavy metal and nutrient testing, detailed case taking or a combination of these. Often the problems have compounded over time, and by the time the client sees me, they are often at the end of their rope.
Recently, once of my clients’ who has been seeing me since I first opened at Daw Park (less than 3 months), has shown amazing results in moving her health to new heights. She received a treatment plan that took her personal circumstances into account and a two-week meal-plan, to get her “back on track” in the kitchen.
Urine testing gave me valuable insight as to how her health was tracking, the end result being a perfect 7.0 in the pH test. Heavy metal and nutrient testing also provided invaluable results, by highlighting a massive deficiency of iodine, brought about by heavy metals. This nutritional insight, allowed me to confidently prescribe an iodine supplement to help to rebalance the deficiency, which had been interfering with her ability to lose weight.

My client, a women in her 50’s, continues to improve her vitality and zest for life and she touches base with me regularly through phone chats, video calls or in-person consults.
This has been such an amazing result in such a short time and while she may not be at her goal weight as yet, we now know why this may take a little while. The most important thing however, is not the number on the scale, but how she feels. She is glowing vitality now, is eating the right foods and has herself in a good routine of preparing foods, for her busy week schedule.
For this client, dietary and lifestyle changes came relatively easily and quickly. She was ready to make the changes necessary and committed herself to getting back in the kitchen. However, not everyone can make changes this quickly. Everyone has a different life circumstance and a different health challenge and there are no “one size fits all” approaches in the work that I do. I meet every client where they are at and we discuss what might be possible for them. For some clients, they already have a healthy approach to food and lifestyle, but have not felt the health benefits they ought to.
Heavy metal testing is almost always used in these circumstances and results generally show deficiencies due to certain heavy metals. For example, aluminium, mercury, cadmium and lead all block zinc from being absorbed, leading to a deficiency. Mercury is removed from the body by iodine, which can lead to a deficiency. Lead blocks iron absorption and can sometimes explain aneamia in clients.
Excess heavy metals in the body can lead to all manner of health challenges such as brain fog, constant headaches, inability to lose weight, endocrine disruption, depression / anxiety and chronic fatigue. We are exposed to heavy metals and toxins every day. It is in our water, our food, our air and our environment. When our body is working well, it can manage them and excretes them. However, our modern lifestyle of fast life, fast food, stress, alcohol and poor sleep, can lead to disharmony and dysfunction and deficiency in the body. Identifying and making the corrections necessary can be hugely beneficial and life changing and it is why I love the work I do so very much. There is no better feeling than knowing someone’s quality of life is back and that you played some part in it.